Navigating Instagram: A Quick-Start Guide

The importance of social media, particularly Instagram, for content creators such as authors and artists.

· Education,Lifestyle,Writerly Advice,Give It A Go,Education and Training

In the world of content creation, especially for authors, artists, and other creators, social media is a powerful tool to showcase your projects and build your presence.

With today's fast-paced environment, short-form content has become increasingly popular, and Instagram is a leading platform for this.

Instagram posts typically include 1-10 photos and a short caption. While 1-2 pictures per post is ideal, you can use more, especially for important content like PSAs or guides. Balancing content and viewer retention is an art, and this guide aims to help you master it.

The beauty of Instagram is its accessibility – even children use it daily. The key is to learn how to use it effectively. This guide will walk you through the essentials.

Setting Up Your Profile:

To start, join Instagram and set up your profile. Use the mobile app for the best experience.

The site will guide you through basics like choosing a username, adding a profile picture, typing a short bio, and following accounts of interest. Remember, you can change these details anytime, but try to pick a username reflecting your content's purpose.

Share a bit about yourself through your bio and initial posts – you're marketing yourself as much as your art!

Connecting with Others:

Follow accounts you're interested in; the "Follow" and "Message" buttons are central. Following an account adds its content to your Home Feed, along with promoted or suggested posts based on the Instagram algorithm and what it interprets from your interests.

Build a network of like-minded individuals, and engage through private/direct messages (also shortened to PMs, or DMs).

Reach out to other creators in your field to forge friendships and partnerships that allow you both to reach further than before!

Navigating Your Home Feed:

Your Home Feed is where you'll see content from accounts you follow and other suggested content. Each post has icons for liking, commenting, and sharing. All posts have a space below the photo for captions that provide more context, but don't rely on this to put the meat of your information in!

Most people only scroll through the first couple of slides, so keep your posts aesthetically pleasing and place essential information within the first two slides. When ready to share your content, use the "+" icon and follow the prompts.

Learn by example – observe how experienced users format their posts.

Using Hashtags and Tagging:

Use hashtags sparingly (around 3-5 max) to keep things concise. Most hashtags consist of a single word, or a few words strung together after the # symbol (such as #books OR #thebookwhisperers) and can become clickable links leading to similar posts.

Tagging people, places, or products is easy during the uploading process – simply start typing within the labeled field and select from the list.

Instagram Stories:

Stories allow more flexibility, including photos, videos, polls, stickers, and AR filters. They appear at the top of the app and disappear after 24 hours.

Access the Stories prompt via the "+" button or the "Your Story" button on your home feed, and set up your content as needed!

It's great for time-sensitive updates or project teasers. Use it to give your viewers a closer look at behind the scenes of your usual workflow.

Consistent Posting and Growth:

Post consistently to engage your audience and grow your presence. Find a schedule that works for you. Use Instagram as a tool to build hype for your projects with sneak peeks and announcement posts, as well as getting your audience invested in the things you create or your process for doing so.

Remember, learning to use social media takes time, but once you find your rhythm, it will enhance your creative journey.