Inspiring Reading Joy: A Journey Through Interactive Workshops with Molly Arbuthnott

Join Molly Arbuthnott on a captivating literary adventure through her interactive workshops across the UK.

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"I have been holding workshops in the United Kingdom for several years with great success, and my student attendees and teachers seem to really enjoy them. The goal is to connect with Schools, libraries, bookshops, children’s hospitals… anywhere needing or celebrating in joy. We do this to connect children to the story and instill a love for reading in general through interactive workshops incorporating multi-media, activities; and even some home made shortbread biscuits.

Here's a selection of my usual activities and how they go!"

> Story Telling!

I share one of my eleven award-winning picture books with the children. Each story is shared through an interactive power-point with pictures and sound which

helps to bring the story to life. Through the interactive story reading, children will be encouraged to engage in the sounds and actions of the story as events unfold, creating a completely immersive experience. A signed copy is left with you for future reading.

> Incentives!

I come equipped with a variety of animals that are associated with each of my different stories. This allows the children to explore identity, habitat and conservation. I also bring a selection of flowers which opens up discussion about the environment further and plant recognition. I also bake shortbread biscuits to share with the children too. (Allergies can be catered to)

One lucky child will win an exclusive Oscar the Ferry Cat t-shirt; The child who has given all their soul to the workshop or needs the confidence to show it! (This can be kept by the child or used as a whole class future gift)

Every child receives a bookmark. Bookmarks are an important tool to incentivize reading for children, and act as a promotional tool for me!

> Activities!

The children will have a chance to engage in games and activities. A popular game is inspired by the alliteration of the names of the characters in the story, and children then have to think of an animal that alliterates with their name. Children can try acting out the different characters from the story; as a whole class activity, and the best actor is picked, or one person acts and the children guess who they are being. Children can draw a character from the story and give it a name, habitat, personality etc.

The workshops finish with a question and answer session where the children have the chance to ask any questions they might have about a literary life.

> Follow On!

Activity sheet associated with the chosen story that ties into the national curriculum.

> The Boring Bits!

I charge £70 for a session per year group. (ideally, but if this is a problem I am happy to negotiate)

I ask for the opportunity to take book orders. (see below)

The workshops are suitable for any class from nursery to year 6, and sessions last for about 40 minutes, but can be adapted to suit. They can be performed for any number of children, as I don’t need anything other than a bit of floor space!

You can find more information about what I do through